Top 10 Ideas to Heat Your Pool This Winter

April 20, 2022 Off By John Edwards

If you’re tired of swimming in freezing temperatures, consider one of these top 10 ideas to heat your pool this winter. Solar rings, blankets, gas heaters, and solar mats can all increase the heat of your pool. But what about wind? Wind is the largest heat-sucking culprit in swimming pools. Wind can be blocked by a solid fence or low hedges, but they also pose a safety risk.

Solar rings

When buying solar rings to heat your pool this winter, you’ll need to take a few things into consideration. Solar pool rings can be a great way to keep the water warm all winter long. These unique devices use two layers of UV-resistant vinyl – one is clear and uses glue to direct the sun’s rays, while the bottom layer has an adhesive backing and absorbs 50% of the rays, creating heat. Solar rings are not permanent fixtures and are only effective if they’re hung over a water-filled pool. They can also lose water overnight, which is another reason why they’re not recommended for outdoor pools.

While some solar rings can be replaced, many are disposable. A higher quality solar ring from a reputable solar pool heating company will last for more than three years – and should still be around as long as you own the pool. The only downfall of solar rings is their price, as they’re not cheap and typically only last for a season. However, the extra insulation that they provide can dramatically improve the experience you have swimming in your pool. Solar rings are also easy to install – a good set of solar rings will cover 80% of the surface area.

Solar blankets

When you buy solar blankets, make sure that they have a reel for storage when not in use. If yours does not, you can fold it accordion-style. Using a multi-purpose pair of scissors, cut the extra panels in half to make it easier to wrap the blanket. Once wrapped, store the blanket in a dry area before storing it. The blanket should be thoroughly dried before use.

If you need to extend the swimming season, solar blankets are the answer. They can last up to three years, and are relatively inexpensive. However, they tend to lose shape and shed after a couple of years. Also, heat-sealed seams tend to break over time. UV-resistant vinyl covers are the most durable. Some manufacturers offer a three-year warranty. Solar blankets are made to fit round and rectangular above-ground pools.

While solar blankets can help keep your pool warm during the winter, they can be ineffective when placed in the sun’s rays. Depending on your location, clear solar blankets may not be effective enough. Clear blankets also don’t block UV rays, so they are less effective. You can also purchase solar blankets that are made of cyanuric acid to protect chlorine. It will keep your water warm and prevent evaporation.

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Gas heaters

Whether you want to use gas or propane to heat your pool this winter depends on the climate where you live. If the average winter temperature is lower than 55 degrees, you may want to go with natural gas. Although this type of fuel is not the most efficient, it may be the best option if you only plan on using your pool occasionally. Natural gas is cheaper and easier to install, but you need to be aware that it will require plumbing in your backyard.

Electric pool heaters work very slowly and may take several hours to reach the proper temperature. This slow heating is particularly noticeable in large pools. If you’re considering electric heaters, consider their high operating costs and long time frame. Electric heaters may not keep your pool warm enough to stay open all winter. This is another reason to choose Gas. Gas heaters are more environmentally friendly, but may also be more expensive.

A pool heater works best when it has the correct BTU or British thermal unit rating. The higher the BTU, the faster it will warm up water in your pool. A smaller pool, on the other hand, needs a higher BTU. If you’re considering purchasing a new heater, you’ll need to choose a higher BTU than a large one. A higher BTU is better for smaller pools, and the higher BTU will heat water faster.

Solar mats

If you are wondering how to extend your swimming season this winter, consider investing in a solar heating system. These systems can increase the temperature of the water by anywhere from five to ten degrees Fahrenheit. You can purchase these devices at any pool dealer. These systems can be costly, however, and a good quality solar mat will cost around EUR100 per square meter. To maximize the effectiveness of solar mats, they must cover 30-60% of the entire surface area of the pool.

Alternatively, you can use a bubble tarp that will keep the water warm. Bubble tarps serve three purposes – they protect the water from impurities, limit algae growth, and conserve heat. You can purchase bubble tarps at any swimming pool store, and they are inexpensive and portable. Solar mats are made of flexible black hoses that connect to your filtration system. They also roll up easily for easy storage.

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If you have an above-ground solar heating system, you should also install a 3-way valve. A 3-way valve allows water to flow back through the panel into the pool. The valve will also allow the water to heat up once it enters the water. Installing solar mats to heat your pool this winter will not only help keep the water warm, but it will also save you money by reducing the cost of heating your pool.


If you’ve decided to keep your pool open during the winter, you’ve probably thought about investing in an enclosure. Those enclosures will keep out the cold, help protect you from liability, and give you a feeling of peace of mind. In addition to these benefits, pool enclosures will also protect your kids from accidental drownings and accidental falls. Whether you’re installing an enclosure or constructing one, there are several things you need to know.

First, keep in mind that cold weather means freezing pipes, which can be expensive and inconvenient. In case you happen to live in a place where winter temperatures are severe, you may also need a backup power source for your heating unit. Keeping your pool warm during the winter is ideal for people who love swimming, especially those living in the colder regions. If you’re planning to keep the pool open during the cold months, you should think about installing a heated enclosure.

Second, consider purchasing portable heaters. These little heaters are effective poolside. These heaters are lightweight, easy to store, and relatively inexpensive to buy. They also have very low operating costs. Remember to follow local laws before using an electrical portable unit. You might not know exactly how much it costs to purchase an electric heater, but they are still quite effective. Make sure to follow these rules to prevent a fire in your enclosure.

Solar reels

One option for pool owners is installing a solar reel. These reels are mounted to the top rails of an above-ground pool. Some types have wheels for easy movement while others are attached to a pole that goes through the middle of the pool. The pole is not very attractive, and some types may not be practical if your pool is surrounded by fencing. If you want to heat your pool without adding additional equipment, consider an accordion folding method instead. Fold the two-foot sections backwards, and then unfold the four-foot section.

When winter comes, solar covers should be kept inside the pool. Solar covers are not recommended for extreme cold climates, as the freezing water can harm the cover. Solar blankets must be stored inside the pool. If you leave them outside, you’ll have to buy a new one soon. A solar blanket, however, will keep your pool warm in the winter months. If you want to protect your solar cover from the elements, buy a PVC pool cover.

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A solar blanket can raise the temperature of your pool, but it is not a permanent solution. Solar blankets depend on the sun to warm the water. If the sun doesn’t shine for several days, solar blankets won’t work. To get maximum heating capabilities, you can install a heat pump or heater. These devices provide heat anywhere you need it. So, whether you live in a snowy region or live in a colder area, a heat pump will keep your pool warm no matter what.

Solar covers

If you are considering installing solar covers for your swimming pool this winter, there are a few things to consider. First, you should be aware of how they work. There are two types of solar blankets: those with reels and those without. The solar blankets must be stored in a cool area when they are not in use. Lastly, they should be cleaned and dry before being stored. A solar blanket is best stored on a soft surface, not concrete, because it can damage the bubbles in the cover and make it less floated.

Another benefit of using solar covers is that they can significantly reduce the amount of water lost by your pool. This is because solar covers retain 95% of the water in the pool. As the temperature drops, evaporation from the water surface increases, so solar covers help preserve more of the original water. This is especially important in drier climates, where water loss can be high. You will also save money on pool heating when using solar covers.

Another option is using a liquid solar cover. These are made of specially formulated liquids and sit on the surface of your pool, reducing evaporation and keeping the water warmer for longer. Solar covers are available in a wide range of colours and thicknesses and can be purchased for as little as $50 to $300.

They will not affect swimmers or your pool’s filter, and they can help reduce water evaporation and help you save money. For more information on pool heating, visit: